The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SPORTS THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY, JUNE 13; 1943 SPORTS Cubs Defeat Fall River As Bill Adkins Fans 13 Springfield Scores 5-2 Win as Righthander Tosses Two. Hitter: Homer Prevents Shutout By LES Bill Adkins is well on his way becoming one of the few pitchers New England League to come with decisions over all clubs early in the season. The Springfield Cubs' righthander added a sixth ferent club to his list yesterday noon at Pynchon Park when he feated the Fall River Indians, 5 10 Along the nay he hung up a ot 13 strikeouts and permitted more than two hits. But one of blows was a homer with one on the fourth inning and the chance a shutout disappeared from Nevertheless, in most ways, it Adkins best pitching perforntance the season and what little trouble encountered came only from his king its fullest approval. has wildness.

A crowd of 1335. gate to beat Lynn to complete his list. Five in A Row Despite the heat, the Cubs righthander early showed signs of pitching skills not witnessed before here season. He walked Jim McDonald start the game and then went to work to strike out the next three hitters. The strikeout ball then worked the next two batters, which gave kins five in row.

Then after Hart grounded out to close second inning. the whiffing continued through the third. For the first innings he fanned 10 of his total. What difficulty Adkins encountered came from passes. He got out of first inning troubles without difficulty but started the fourth with other pass and after retiring Taeger, the next batter, on strikes, gave up a homer to Johnny Sivinski for the two Fall River runs.

Another strikeout followed and then a Colone single, but the inning ended with Paul Hart lifting a high fly Bob Pugatch. After that, only one man reached in the fifth and another AS far as third in the eighth, a pass to Berg and McDonald, plus an field putting the former at far away station. told Adkins walked six, but his mates had given him an early lead and they kept him in front, so that he had plenty encouragement to go the full distance, the fourth time he has done it this season. Klaus Streak Ends While the Cubs were picking up aun in the first, two in the third, and singles in the fifth and sixth, most of them were fattening their 'batting averages. The sensational streak Rill Klans came to an end, but rive of the Cubs got a pair each, including a triple by Hank Nasternak the third, the result of an attempted shoestring catch by McDonald.

One feature of the Springfield play came in the base- running returns, for no fewer than four stolen bases went into the record, two of them by Pugatch and others by Adkins and Rhodes, Adkins got his standing up when a hit-and-run play failed to go through. The Indians were as much surprised as the Cub pitcher himself. On the strength of then win Springfield can lay claim? to nine victories out of their last 11 starts and its new string of home wins was extended to five straight. Out of their last 18 games at home the Cubs have lost only two, which helps to explain their! present position in the New England League race. Cut Chatter Manager Dick Porter of the Fall River Indians is all boiled up over the Springfield police department, or rather some of enthusiastic if not understanding patrolmen.

Following Saturday night's game, the diana Went to their quarters at the Pioneer Hotel and were standing out in front when two officers appeared and ordered them the street. One thing led to another and Porter himself finally was called into the picture to ball out his third baseman, John Sivingki, who was charged with obatructing an officer in pursuit of hie duty. "'There was not reason for the arrest in the first place, Porter charged "and there was nothing done or said that could be in the least construed as violation of any law." The father of Bill Klans, l'uh third baseman, has been spending a few day following the Springfield club. He cAme in from Pox Lake, and it may be that his presence has had something to do with Bill'- phenomenal hitting for over week. Bitting for distance and plenty nothing new for.

Bill. Two AgO he led the Illinois state 1 in hitting and last season he was tho No. 2 man in the Central A tion. Fall River had another lineup shakeup yesterday for the second game of the current series. Jim McDonald.

who ordinarily is catcher, was in right field. Jack Kelly. regular second went home because of 8 death in his family and Marty Debish, regular right felder, war placed at the keyatone sack. Hart, the utility infielder, continued at short and a pitcher. WAS at frat base because of the absence of Jim Forbes, who was sent to Harrisburg of the Interstate.

League, to help out a situation there brought about by Injurlea to Les Bell's regular first sacker. The appearance of Eddie Leary. the southpaw hurler with the Cubs last in Fall River uniform the opposing pitcher brought plenty of pleasant memories of 19 Leary did lot relief work for the Cubs in addition to Darting end Ani some KIN games. didn't have too much luck yesterday, Dean Kingey continues on the Springfield Ainabled list although he has been pitching recently in batting practice. According to Manager Bob Petergon it may be some days vet.

before Kinery will he ready to join the pitching Hie injured bark has been taped and in the present hot ApPl! he isn't feeling too comfortable. that Joe Sullivan, Cub catcher working behind the plate every game with A bone chip in his font. There 14 but 40 far there has heen no pain and he has heen told that 40 long A 4 it doesn't bother, to continua playing. He also has been told that it. mAy hA Sure matter in completely month- d.

before The Aret the inof X-ray plates failed to reseal the injury but second test brought it out. Final game of the Fall River series comes tonight and the usual starting time of o'clock continues. DOt. 880 00.0009 DO Chicopee Walls Merchants baseball team has scheduled the Dodgers AC for gal tonight at Tocoln Giros Chicopee Falls, at 6. Chu.

MacKenzie and Chet diorski will form battery the Merchants hile Bobby War. and Gent Gorjac will make up the Dodgers AC Jrs. battery. Brakes Adjusted 984 STANDARD TIRE SALES, INC. SPRING FIELD Red Sox Call McDermott Back From Louisville Young Southpaw Returns to Boston Club With 6-4 Record Chivago, June 12 McDermott, left handed pitcher, has been recalled from Louisville of the Americon Association, Boston Ied Sox officials announced here today.

Worried About His Girl Louisville, Whiz, what'll mark front 20-year-old Lefty Maury girl say?" That. first l'e20 oras McDermott when informed 1 by Colonel. president Ed Doherty here en today that he'd been recalled by the Boston Red Sox. The strikeout wizard then went on to explain that his -irl friend froni Elizabeth. N.

wag scheduled to 3 visit him here this month. Mac learned his promotion just after he'd shut out Indianapolis 1-0, as he struck out 13. "Last season she was coming to Boston to visit me and 1 was sent to Scranton. Now when she's due, going to Boston," the stringbean southpaw said. Reminded by a reporter that Boston isn't as far from Fulzabeth, as Louisville, Mac said right, isn't it.

I hadn't thought of it that way. Maybe she can come to Boston." In returning to Boston, where be spent part of last season without getting any work. McDermott believes he can make the grade this season. He's leaving Louisville tomorrow morning with a lot of confidence and pretty good American Association record to back him up. In 68 innings.

the lanky youngster has 116 hitters in this Triple Leagued and won six games against four defeats. After, winning four straight due to the Colonels' inopening night on April 18. he. lost ability to hit. But he'd won five- in a row at the time Boston recalled him.

Tetrault Wins Bristol Race Bristol, R. June 12 (A)-Emery Tetrault of the Lowell Snow Shoe Club running with five and a quarter minute handicap, captured the first Bristol County 10-mile road race today. Tetreault finished one minute ahead of Johnny Kelley of the Boston Edison Employees Club I but the latter walked off with the time prize by covering the distance in 55 minutes 42 seconds. Kelley, Jesse Vanzant and Lou White conceded 10 minutes to the first starting group. Kelley thus turned the tables on Van Zant and White who finished ahead of him in yesterday's 10-mile grind at Malden.

Thirty one runners competed. Fairway Returns Oxford The combination of Abe Aaron, Marty Heyman, Stan Asinoff and A. Salvage won top honors in a member four-ball tournament at Oxford Country Club yesterday with a best ball of 58. Amherst No. 7 for Adkins up this dit- Mashimer.

after- Forbes. de- Macrinotis, 2. string no 777 the Me Donald. in Polubi 11 A for sight. Colone, Debi-h.

Wag Hart. of tears. l'etrosino. he own 27 26 Adonly 1 Hall River 2, Purntch. stumer.

vinski l'ugatch Khalee, Leary to Colour, this to Colone: left. 2: in to innings. Bere in adkine 13. 1. Berg and tlaberty.

2:10. 'Ted Williams Tops in Voting Chicago. June 12 (AP) Ted Williams, slugging Boston Red Sox outfielder, was in a familiar role today in tabulation of first returns for the all-star baseball gume at Ebbets Field. Brooklyn, July 12. The Chicago Tribune.

which conducts nation- wide balloting, said I Ted received 3,117 votes from the first 6,036 ballots checked to lead all didates American for League both National and teams, lie also was honored in the opening day's balloting last year. Jackie Robinson, Brooklyn second baseman, was in second place with 2.748 votes. Tom Henrich, New York Yankee outfielder, was third with 2.712. Leaders for each position were: National League First -Waitkus, Philadelphia, Size, New York, 1,248. Second base--Robinson, Brooklyn, 2,145: Verban, Chicago, 1,336.

Third baseS, Gordon, New York, 2,296: Kazak. St. Louis, 1,322. Shortstop -Reese, Brooklyn, 2.414: Marion, St. Loute.

1,094. Catchers--Campanella, Brooklyn, Seminick. Philadelphia. 1,397. Pittsburgh.

Mugial, St. Louts, 2.456 Marshall. New York. 2.20: Slaughter. St.

Louis. 1.719: Thomson, New York. Lockman. New York. American League First Fain.

base Robinson. Washington, Philadelphia, 1.546. Second Chicago. J. Gordon, Cleveland.

1,240. Third base-Kell. Detroit, Dillinger. St. Louis, 1,110.

Shortstop--Stephens, Boston, Joost, Philadelphia, 1,436. New Catchers-Tehbetts, Boston, 2.356; Beria. Outfielders Roston. 3.147: Henrich, New Cork. 2,712: D.

DiMarzio, Borton. 2.6:18: Mitchell, Cleveland. 1,941: Chapman, Philadelphia, and Werts, Detroit, 1,244. Amherst, June 12-Al Spellman and Ed Cincage won a morning match vs. par tournament at Amherst today.

They were even. Joe Vincent won an afternoon 17 hole event with 61, Art and Joe Howard had 63g. Blanchett won low gross with 74. Suffield Westfield Suffield Suffield, June 12-Cliff Rowden with 81-26-58 won a best 16 hole tournament at the Suffield Country Club today. Jim Jackson had 66-7-39 and Leon Tracey 63-3-60.

Nate Osborne won puttin2 with 39. Westfield Westfield, June 12-S. Sundag with 72 won low gross honors in the weekly tournament today the Westfield Koziol with 79-11-68 won net honors. Country Club in the he first division. W.

H. Burbank won low gross in the second flight with 82. H. Hare won net with 34-13-65. Longmeadow J.

Y. Scott was two up on par to win a match vs. par tournament in Class A at the Longmendow Country Club yesterday. Jim Toole W. Williams were 1 up.

E. S. Giles was 1 up to win in the second division. T. C.

Carr WAs even and G. A. Bibbens one down. D. H.

Mudd and P. IT. Bills tied in Class C. They were two down. R.

E. Lawrence was three down, Northampten Northampton, June 12-The teams Verna Bontempo- Jerry Mensel and Helen Howell-Al Wilson were knotted at scores of 45 in the Scotch foursome field of 24 entries at Northampton today. KatA Molloy-Frank Bertrand came in with a 46 card to earn third prize. Ray Barrett and Joe Ratura teamed up to fire a sizzling 61 in the two ball best ball field of 34 entries this week end. Ralph Parsons, Jr.

-Fid Finn netted second place with a 64 card while two duos were tied for third place. Hobey Parsons-Ed Sliz and Parker Butler and Bob Ullman were knotted with 65. Best individual card wee that of Joe Batura who had a one over por 71 and his partner Bay Barrett had 0 Franconia Billy Wooden, Springfield Indian hockey star and Dud Nipple, Scotch foursome field, at Franconia winning 91-10-47. Jim Barry and John Nickinan sere enners up with Wilbraham Juno 12-Women golfers at the Wilbraham Country Chib today had share in the la ly-promember play with the first place had to be shared and three teams tire for fourth place anly wo net. strokes away.

honors sent to Mrs. Robert Mandyside. who with Basil Kelly and and Mrs. Edwin good, teamed with Scott Guns His Outboard Craft To New Record Aircraft Inspector Averages 37.6 Miles Per Hour in Hudson Grind New York, June 12 ()-Dodging logs and dead herring in the debrisstrewn Hudson River, Vic Scott, a year old aricraft inspector from Levittown, N. today gunned his flying Scot to a record smashing victory in the 140-mile Albany to New York stock outboard motorboat race.

Whitehouse In Trouble A competitor in the outboard classic since 1937 and winner of the 1917 event, Scott was timed in three hours, 28.14 for a record average time of 37.6. miles per hour. The old mark. of 36.1 MPH for stock outboards was set last year John Whitehouse Springfield, Whitehouse was hard luck man for the course. l'iloting a Class Evinrude engine with a Barbour hull designed primarily for speed in calm water, Whitehouse took the lead from Scott in the placid waters north of Poughkeepise.

Trying for short cut near Esopus, Whitehouse touched bottom and he had to stop. W'hen he resumed he could not regain his former pace and finally engine cut Tarrytown. Whitehouse was still at Tarrytown when the 6.30 deadline for all boats passed. For beating 302 other entrants from most sections of the country, Scott. an inspector for the Grumman Aircraft Company, picked up $1000 plus an additional $500 for winning the Class division as well as the handsome Oluf Mikkelsen trophy.

Far behind in second place came -August Nigh, Oceanside. N. who equalled the old record in his Class boat. Nigh trailed Scott by seven minutes, 26 seconds, in finishing in three hours, 35.40. He had an average speed of 36.1 MPH.

Third place went 1.0 George Grathwohl, East Rockaway, N. Class F. in 3.40:10, 35.5 MPH. Fourth was James Wilson. Buffalo, N.

Class 3.44:35, 34.7 MPH, and fifth, Albert J. Rowe, West Islip, N. Class F. 3.16:20, 34.5 MPH. Nashua Loses To Manchester Manchester.

N. June 12 (AP)The Manchester Yankees scored three times on two hits and three bases on balls in the eighth inning to pull out a win over the top- place Nashua Dodgers tonight in a New England League game. The Dodgers opened their scoring in the fourth inning when Catcher Rudy Antonetz homered and they tallied four times against starter Ray Schulz in the eighth with four hits and a base on balls. Score: Manchester 000 102 03x-6 10 2 Nashua 000 010 040--5 10 2 Schulz. prior (8) and Danish, Samson.

Habel (7), Ludwig (8) and Gravs in Victory Over Slaters, 4-3 Pawtucket. E. 1., June 12 (PP--Curt Balantine': triple off the right field wAll in the seventh inning scored Bob Rolack with the run that gave the Providence Grays a 4-3 victory over the Pawtucket Slaters in a New England League game tonight before 3 1.276 crowd. The Grays scored three runs in the sixth on two singles, A hit. batter and pitcher Ed Lenthe's wide throw to third that gave runners a chance to scamper home.

Cliff Collins opened Pawtucket's scoring in the second inning with an inside-the-park homer. Score: I'rovidence 000 003 100--4 6 0 Pawtucket 011 001 000--3 11 1 Senkowski and Pullano: Lenthe and Fletcher. IN LEAGUE Rochester 6. Newark 3. (1st) Rochester 4.

3 (2d) Baltimore 8, Diontreal 5 (1st) Baltimore 4, Montreal 3 (2d) Buffalo 11, Syracnse 3 (1st) Buffalo Syracuse 2 (2d) City 7, Toronto 2 (1st) Toronto 3, Jersey City 2 (2d) AMERICAN AS OICAION Toledo 2. Columbus 1 (1st) Columbus 7, Toledo 2 (2d) Minneapolis Milwaukee 2. (1st) Milwaukee 5, Minneapolis 1 (2d) Louisville 1, 0 (1st) Louisville 8. Indianapolis 0 (2d) Kansas 6, St. Paul 1 (1st) Kansas City 5.

St. Paul 1 (2d) Baseball Yesterday's Results VEN LEAGUE Spring Held 5. 6, 2 Manchester Nashua P'rovidence 4. 3 Lynn 8, Portland 1 PortiAnd 1, (2d) Boston 13, (1-t) Boston hicago (21) leveland 6. ork 0 3.

Sew (2d, 8. rain) Detroit Washington 0 (1:1) Detroit 4. (2d) st. Loui- 6. P'hiladelphin 13.

10 124) (hirago G. Boston Boston 7. ('hirago (2d) -t. Loui- Philadelphia Thiladelphia Louis 3 (2d) Brooklyn 20. Cincinnati l'itteburgh 6.

York Standings NEV Da Portland .013 Rii 3 Boston .510 .500 .291 vol 30 Games Today D'all Riser Springdeld Portland Nashun At. Providence 1.1444.0 Do same- -cheduled LEAGUE Do games scheduled Golfers Beat 04 Westfield C. C. Team Win, 10-2, to Take Lead in Northern Division as Lud. low, Northampton Split Points in South Section Tech to Defend Schoolboy Golf Title at Oxford Seven Teams to Compete in Third Annual Tourney Today With seven teams competing, the third annual Western Mass.

Interscholastic Golf championship tournament will he held at the Oxford Country Club today. High is defending champion. Other teanis are Classical, Ludlow, W'est Springfield, Holyoke, Williamstown and Chicopee. The main prize will be a leg on the Dr. Alfred M.

Glickman Trophy. Grochmat Favored Joe Grochmal of Tech. the. former junior champion. is expected to put in a strong bid for individual honors but he should have keen competition Beaudry of Holyoke several others.

Play will be at 18 holes, nine in the morning, nine in the afternoon. Harry Rosen is chairman of the Oxford committee sponsoring the affair. He will be assisted by Ben Goldband, Felix Brauer, Abe Aaron, Melville Markson. Art Ehrlich and Pro Frank Kringle, who will have charge of starting the field. Boston College In Double-Header New York, June 12 (A) -St.

John's of Brooklyn, District 2 victors, and! Boston College. District 1 representative. will open a best -of -three series at Dexter Park tomorrow for the Eastern N. C. A.

A. title. The winners will earn a trip to Wichita, Kansas, to' meet the champions of three other sectors in the national finals. June 22-21. teams will play at 1 p.

m. (EST) and 7.30 p. m. tomorrow. If a third contest is necessary it will be held at 1 p.

m. Tuesday. a Guire, St. has John's, a 19-4 coached record. by Frank Boston Col- MIclege (20-2) is coached by Freddy Italian Netmen Eliminate Chile Turin.

Italy, July 12 (AP)-Italy advanced to the semifinal round of the European zone Davis Cup play today by eliminating Chile, 4-1. Gianni Cucelli assured the Italians of victory hv conquering Ricardo Balbiers. 6-4. 8-6. 7-5.

Then in a match. which was played for the records. Marcello Del Bello defeated Chile's Marcel Taverne. 8-10. 6-0.

6-1. Taverne withdrew after the third set because of A. strained ligament in his thigh. Over 3000 spectators Watched day's matches. played under a hot sun.

Italy next will meet the winner of the Yugo-Slavia-Sweden series. Koenig, Midget Driver, Killed Langhorne, June 12 Koenig. 37-year-old Palmyra, driver. wAS killed today in a crash just before the start of the 150-mile national midget championship race at Langhorne Speedway. Koenig's speeding car sideswiped another and turned over in a trial.

heat. Track officials. said Koenig was "gunning" his car into a turn when the front wheels brushed the rear of Another midget car. Koenig died en route to Mercer Hospital, Trenton. J.

Doctors at the hospital said he suffered a broken neck and other injuries. Koenig nas once a big car racer. He. entered the midget field in 1946 Sons of Italy Score 10th Win Lee. June 18-Sons of Italy baseball team of this town came up with its 10th victory in 11.

games here this afternoon, when Crusaders it of nosed North out. the Adams, St. 2-1. Summary: SONS OF ITALY Potter, 8. 2 Coco.

If W. Walker. R. Walker. Passetto.

ri Basanait. Gibbons. cf Scarmazzi, 2 Bowers; Crawford, Totals ST. ANTHONY ah Woff. 2 Porto.

Fainou, Moreau. cf Lisse. 3 Katley, If KawA, 1 McPherson, LA Mare, P'riete, Totala 30 5 2 11 Sons of Anthony's Italy 100 000 000 011 000-1 00x-2 RBI. Bowers. Walker, Moreau: Passetto.

Bowers, Moreau: Dr. Farnou to 'off to Kana Crawford to Potter to Walker; BR. Bowers 1. Priete 2: 80. Rowers 11.

Priete 1. Consolati and Airotai. T. 2:10. Zatopek Mark To Stand Up Trogue, June 12 (P)-Athletic sere confident today that the 10,000 orld record claimed for Emil Zatopek ill after check of weather and track conditions.

Zatopck was clocked in 20:29.2 363- 0 lieutenant in tho ovak army ho set en olympie last summer, battered 35.6 second. set by Viljo Heino world mark of 20. minof Fialand. this time was 7.2 lower than the old. world park and 31 seconds lower than his championship 0 EN Boston, June 12 Walter Geisler of Nt.

is, was re-elected president tire BJ. S. Soca Pootball 4 gsociAtime today furies the closing session of ate go Do day convention, surprise victory by the Suffield Country Clul, team and a split of by the strong Ludlow and teams featured Western Massachusetts Four- Ball League matches over the week end. Suffield took the lead in. the southern divisionwhen it turned back Westfield.

10 10' 2, on its course. Westfield is: one of the favorites in this section. Split Points and Northampton pla, of. Saturday and divided the points at Northampton. In other matches, Berkshire Hills trounced Pontoosuc, 912 to 2 at.

Berkshire Hills in the first meeting of the Berkshire entries. This was a Northern Division clash. Green. field heat Amherst, 7 to 5, at Green-. field in another Northern Division meeting.

The Suffield- Westfield match WAS the only one played in the Southern Division. Because of the tournament at the Holyoke Country Club. the ML Tom Orchards and the Wilbraham matches were put over until next Sunday. At Northampton, Ray Barrett and Joe Batura took scoring fireworks with a best ball of 66 in taking three points from Johnny Dombek and Dora Garrison. Tony Kozub and Ted Giblo helped the Ludlow cause no little when they grabbed two and one half points from Al Wilson and Stan Wichowski.

The top foursome saw Al Bontempo and. Heon of: the home forces split with Stan Tenerowicz and Walt Nawoj. Steve Naprava and George Wilka led Berkshire Hills scoring. with even par 12s. Walt Kubica had a similar score for on P'ontoosuc, Jim Blake of Suffield and Manton Cotton of Westfield led scoring at Suffield with 73s.

Summary: Ar DOKIHAMPTON Northampton-6 Bontempo and Ullman and 0'Kulsky Barrett Batura Wilson and Wishowski 6- Ludlon Tenerowicz and Giochmal Nawoj 1'5 Ross and Dombek Garrison Kozub and T. Giblo 21 6 AT SUTFIELD Sutfield-10 Hughes and Knapp Blake and Gow Atwood and Andzulwicz Whitaker and Diller 10 Parenzo Graham and, Galonek Bogworth and Poulier Hoves and Delphy OPEN ADMIRATION--ThiS mutual admiration society is composed of Cary Middlecof and his wife, Edith, shortly after Middleroff. Momphis dentist. had won the National Open golf championship. The No.

67 is the record-equalling round Middlecon posted on his second round that paved the way to his title victory. Colonels Remain at Top In Chicopee City League Turn Back Tigers AC, 9 to Sandy Hill Vets and Dodgers AC Move Into Second Place Tie 3 Colonels AC remained on top of the heap in the Chicopee City Baseball League yesterday afternoon when it downed Tigers AC, 9 to 4, at Lincoln Grove. West Ends AC also gained a 4 triumph over Rockets AC at Aldenville and Sandy Hill Wets nosed out Hangers AC, 5 to 4 at Szot Park. Aldenville AA WAS awarded 3 9 to 0 forfeit game when Nativity AA failed to field 8. team.

As a result, Sandy Hill Wets and Dodgers AC went into A deadlock for second place in the loop. Seven In Big Sixth With a couple of errors helping. the Colonels AC pushed over seven rung in the sixth inning to put the game on ice. The Tigers AC made 2. strong bid in the last inning after being held scoreless for eight frames.

However, after four runs were scored. Gnzer tightened up to check the rally Roy and Majda led the Colonels in batting with three hits each. Roy bagged two doubles and Majda hit one. Angelo was the big sticker for the Tigers AC with three thits, one a triple. Vic Haneck's single in the last inning which scored Ed ski gave the S.Indy Hill Vets the winning margin.

The Vets made three extra base hits during the contest. Skawinski rapped out a long home run, while I By's and Haneck connected for doubles. A couple of fast double plays also aided the Vets to stay in front. Haneck and Skawingki completed one and Sygiel to Kozaka accounted for! the other. Five of the Rangers AC players, Ryan.

Guz, Gazda, Toomey and Ahern connected for two singles each. The Rangers AC outhit the victors by one hit but failed to come through in the pinches. Leading by one run in the seventh the West Ends AC added four more to clinch the contest. The Rockets AC Little Devils Win Jimmy Day Tilt Holyoke, June 12-Little Devils of Springfield defeated the Barrett de Ballard nine of Holyoke in a Jimmy Day game played here this afternoon on the Beech Street grounds, 6-3. A home run by Fasteries with two on in the sixth inning clinched the cane for the Little Devils.

Score by innings: Little Devils .......100 203 0-6 8 1 Barrett Ballard .021 000-0-3 3 6 1 Lynch and Quinn; Sullivan and Callahan. Chicopee Rockets Face Four Games Rockets AC baseball team of Aldenville hag four games scheduled this week. Larry of Hope is to be played tonight in Aldenville. Barrett and Baylord of lIolyoke is for tomorrow night at Holyoke, Sandy Hill Vets is the opponent for Wednesday night at Dana Park and Brightwood, AA is on tap for Friday night at Aldenville In tonight's game Barboza, and Picard will form the for the Rockets AC. All games are slated to start at 6.

made nine hits but faired poorly. F. Preciak led in hitting for the West Ends AC with three bingles. Szelag and Czech chalked up two hits. Dennette led the Rockets AC offensive with COLONELS two A.

hits. C. ab 8 Roy. 3 Creluaniak, Ganzer, cf. Yucka, Pomeroy, Ryan.

Diajka. 3 Brown. D. of -Krawczyk. ri Totals 31 9 10 12 TIGERS A.

C. Mamulski, 3 Les, cf, it Martin. 3 Ormsby, Brown. Deady, it. Angelo, O'Connor, rf.

ct Kulis. Dziza. Wacelitz, Totals 34 4 8 :1 12 3 Colonel A. 000 017 Tizer: A. 000 000 RBI.

Roy 3. Majka 2. Czelueniak, O'Connor: CB. Roy Majka, Angelo: Angelo; SB.

Ganzer Ryan: 5. Mamulski: DP. Czeluaniak to Roy to Tucka. Diamuiski to Angelo. Kuliz to Martin to Angelo: BB.

Brown 1. Dziza 3: SO. Brown 6. Dziza 3. Loser, Driza.

Lynch, Sr. and Lynch. Jr. T. 1:17.

SANDY HILL VETS ah Sygiel. 3 Haneck. Stec. ri Kozaka, Gonet. Tomchik, it Bys, cf Golbe.

cf 3 Skawinski, Cournoyer, Totals RANGERS A. C. 33 ab 10 7 13 7 Ryan, if Langevin, 3 3 Guz, Maniteas. el Gazda. Toomey.

Ahern. 1 Reed. Stewart, Vomacke. 9 Totals 34 7 Hill Veta 021 010 001-3 Rangers A. 200 00034 RBI, Gazda $, Skwinsk! 2.

Kazaka 2, Hinecki; 3B. faneck: HR, Skawinski: SR. Sygiel: S. Guz: DP, Haneck to. Skawinski.

Syriel to Kazaka: BB. Reed Cour-. nos er 3: HO, Stewart 5 in 3. Reed in 6: HP. Cournoyer SO, Reed Cournoyer Stewart 3: PB.

Gonet; Loser. Stewart. U. Champaign and Ouelette. T.

:20. WEST END C. Lynch, Cananagh, 1 Szelag. 3 Piciak, TV. Soberek, Piciak.

1 Bronson, Olejarz. Czech, Totals 13 27 ROCKETS A. ab Denette, Keough, 2 Burnetti. cf Picard. Roberte, 3 Considine, Leopardi.

Barboza, 11 Totals 37 9 27 10 West End A. C. 200 012 400-9 Rockets A c. 000 220 000- RBI, Picard 2, Considine 2, Szelag, F. Piclake, W.

2. Borberk, Czech; 2B. Szelag. Considine; SB, Denette, Burnetti, Picard, Leopardi. Lynch 3.

Borbeck, Olejarz: Keough to Considine; RB, Czech Prunier 2: SO. Czech 9. Prunier 3: WP. Prunier. Czech; Prunier.

U. Thibeault And Jen. T. 2:10. Chicopee Ports Draw With Bridgeport to Win Series Bridgeport, June 12-Seasonal soccer honors for the Chicopee Ports went the way ol the Mas.

team here this afternoon a hon it tied with the Bridgeport. City Noccer lute in second of hone hone eries, to 3. Chicopee, wit.her' of the ern Connecticut league championship shut. in the first a une, to at dres matically save the Bay -taters Connecticut title over the Nut hero Connecticut winners on 20 total coal basis, 66 to R. For dime 19 Hook thoush Bridgeport might overcome the thi goal handicap it faced when play started.

At the end of the half the l'ark City booters pick.d up the three gorls, thanks to scoring splurge in the closing minutes of the period. One came at 25 minutes. the Second 10 minutes later and at the 40-minute Ogden counted on a penalty kick. The rest period apparently did Chic. ones a lot of At 15 minutes AT GREENFIELD Reed and Davis Martin and Menzel Scott and Bolton Newman and Barner Walter Galica and Arthur Pallsoul.

The nets in each case was 62. Summary: Mira. Robert Handyside, Kelly and Jack Pickford, Mrs. Edwin Osgond. Walter Galica and Arthur Palieoul, Urs, R.

W. Bennett. John Thayer, Bill Considine and Jack McDonald. 64; Judd. Archie Jefferson and Haggerty.

64; Mrs. Douglas Wanser, Herbert Aldrich, Frik Atkinson At tt: Drake and Dick Thews, 64; Mrs. E. T. McQuade, 64.

Holyoke Holyoke, June 12-Austin Cooper and' Phil Le Grande, who captured medalist honors in A. playoff yesterday, today won the sixth annual member-guest tournament of the Holyoke Country Club by defeating Tom Fitzgerald and Rob and 1. The winners reached the Anals by disposing of Al Gagne and Charley Carroll in the morning round, 2 and 1, while Fitzgerald and Shea ousted Bill O' Brien and Jim Dillon by a similar score. Summary: First division-Consolation Anals, Anderson and Rohan defeated Cathro and Garvey, 2 and 1. Second division--Urban Fleming and Lou.

Fleming defeated Sam O'Connell and Tom Sears, 3 and 2. Semifinals, Fleming Fleming defeated Howard Pierce and Dr. Joseph Zielinski. 1 up; O'Connell and Sears defeated Don Sullivan and Chet Wojtowicz, 2 and 1. Consolation finals, Rich and Nick Pleppo defeated Joseph Magri and Gardner Thompson, 3 and 2.

Third division--Bob Gibbons and Henry Frenette defeated Norm Stepno and Ferd Ducharme, 4 and semifinals, Gibbons and Frenette defeated Garrett Bowler and Vince McNeece, 1 up, 19 holes; Ducharme and Stepno defeated Conrad and Bill Brown, 1 up 19 holes. no Consolation finals George Lafpy and Herve defeated Bill Dion and Carl Bathell, 3 and 2. Mount Tom Holyoke, June 12-In the Arst women's tournament at the Mt. 'Com Golf Club, Louise La Marr won low gross with A 56 for nine holes, or two strokes better than Mrs. Henry Gingras.

Low net honors went to Barbara Goss with a Murie Grenier had 62-28-34. Mina Thompson, who chippe. into the cun on the ninth, had 1o putts with 15. Mrs. 6.

Barr finished. closest 10 the pin on the third hol-, her drive mini arde away. Mt. Tom Holyoke, June 12-Harold Poletbum captured the match play against per tourn held at the Mount Tom Golf this afternoon when he finished 2 up on pier. C.

Brunella and Dr. Joseph Kisiel both finished 1 un, while Ed Grahowski, and Fred Bruock were both down. Quaboag Country Club 'rank Monson, Jun. 12-Bud Hackett defeated Comfort bv bro stroke in a ping -hole playon for the (evorgo H. peymour Tr.

phy at match the (gaboa Country Club here today. A and play va par tournev also was staged Comfort out front 3 up. Ho. kett second. 2 and Charles Lanetto and Tony Foulia tied for A por, Amherst-5 Parkinson and Boluch Spellinan and Finn Cincaze and Harman Brown and Bingham 5 AT -hire Matroba and Naprava Waldron and W.

Naprava W'ilka and Zaiken Anderson and W. Watroba 91 Kubica and Zink G. Kubica and Kryzno-ki Kinnas and E. Keller Keller and Lingoski 21 STANDINGS Northern Division Ludlow Berkshire Hills 15 10 Northampton 131 10 Pontoosuc 11 13 Amherst Greenfield Southern 10 14 INvision Suffield 17 A Westfield 1112 Orchards Wilbrahani 912 Holyoke Mt. Tom 0 1.

Polish Veterans Top Weir River is of at vet. the been isn't A team Giros the make Polish Veterans of Indian Orchard turned back Weir River of Ware yesterday afternoon at Hubbard Park in Indian 7-1. Jimmy and Ed Gruszka featured the winning attack. a Wyzik. 3 Stanek.

Grondalski. Skowron. cf Neils. Orlik, 1 Hurst. A Chmura, Totals WEIR RIVER (WARE) Midura, ci Marcin, Zarod.

3 R. Mazur, if Kozik. 1 Carpentier, rf E. Mazur, -W'ernick Nowak, Brown. Totals 15 24 Polish 042 010 Weir River 101 100 001-1 RBI.

Netle 2. Grondalski 2. Gruszka, P. Nowak, Za rod, J. Mazur.

Roranski; 28. Jamalowaki; Zarod: Neils, Gruazka: SH. Stanek: DU. Carpentier to Kozik: ortik to Chmura to Neils: Hurst 3. P.

Nowak 4: Brown Wand: SO. and J. Hurst 3, Callahan. Brown T. 1.

1:40. Nowak a--Struck Cut for D. MAzur In 8th. EASTERN LEAGUE Williamsport 4. Binghamton 2 (1st) Binghamton 6.

Williamsport 1 (2d) Elmira 9. Urica 7 (1st) Utica 11, Elmira 10 (2d) 8. Hartford (1st) Scranton 4. Hartford 3 (2d) Wilkes 15. Albany 6 (1st) Albany 11, Wilkes- -Barre 6 (2d) Capt.

Louie Domingoes scored on A shot 10 vards out after receiving a pass from his left wing, Carlos Alves. Two minutes later he repeated, this tine on 0 close-in try, after toking rass from John Byrd. The "ging counter Cute win Ted with scored -hot melt thresh in the upper lee hand corner from do sards out the frorge Li The position ball close center 1 to him by Morrison. District honors ill to the Ports at celcbration. be hell June 22 109 CHIC.

CITY D'Agoatino. Schlok ro rb. Larkson Murray. Ib ib, Morrison, rhis rhb. C.

Lindgren Flink. SicGhep, chb chis, Ogion lhh. O'Neil Andre; or or. o'richton Smith, ir ir. Guick Doming cos, ct.

1c. Bird. il, Devlin ol Baster Score, 3, Bridgeport 3. Goals by Domingoes 2,. Smith, Ogden, Nevlin.

H. Lindgren. Bronco, Bridsoport mute: Marshall. Quinlivan; Referee, time. linesmon.


TEL. 1 0 10.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.