Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

3 MARION NEWS-TRIBUNE, APRIL 23, 1908. News Tribune Ashed: Every Morning the Marion Tribune Co. la the postorice at Marion, Ind. second-class mall matter, alication Office 219-221 Vidams St. Marion, Ind W.

HALDERMAN, President andManager, A HIQBEE, Vice- President. HALDERMAN, Secretary. IBERLE, Assistant Manager. BUTLER, Managing Editor. PHONE 234 the News by AssociPress.

Leased Wire UNIONS ABED 6 Marion NowsTribune la Delivered Every Day for on -Cents Per Week. -t Justification, Mated the upon court the of appeals hearing that should less be per cent of the perowning property in the terri-! 7 sought to be annexed Mave reand that the adding of: territory to the city will be man- for Interest and will cause no intury to the persons owning property in the territory sought said to annexed, he shall so find and arpezation shall take place." Push la the wording of the statute wader which the members. of the city council seek to annex the ball park adjacent territory' to Marion. Members of the city council, are you to state that the annexation this property will "cause no mani. bjury to the persons Own.

property in the territory sought be annexed ps Are willing to go on record as tellering that the added burden of taros for whioh you can offer nothing in return will not work. an these proporty- owners! We ask this question because presume you are familiar with the law under which you; propose to take in this territory, and we believe you should be ruided by the law the best Interests of the people, you represent. The statute further says, "unless the court shall And from the evidence the prosperity of such city. and territory will be materially retarded and the safety of the Inhabitants and property thereof endangered without soch annexation" the court shall not annex the property over the remontrance of seventy-Eve per of the property owners. Members of the city council, do you believe that the prosperity of Marion will be retarded if this land not annexed or that this property and Its Inhabitants will now be endangered If it Is not made a part of Mar lout We ask this question because it the only ground upon which you have any right to base the manezation proceedings have started.

Seventy-five per cent of the proparty owners of this territory are opposed to annexation. They will take matter into the courts and will defeat it there. What, then, will have been rained by the couch's action? We regret that we cannot believe the city councilmen will answer these questions in the affirmative. We dislike to be compelled to belove that a body of men with the legpower of the city will permit their personal spite to. injure the residents of this city whom they pretend to represent 'in council.

But there Is. no other explanation this aotion. was conceived' in" secret seaheld from the publio knowledze long as possible, and sprung withi dado ottawa's request to sup members of the ofty coundl woald not meet the approval people. They afraid have balore they 1 A The Way to Banish Rabies. In report to Secretary Wilson the agricultural department the Wuream of animal industry declares the rabies, or hydropbobia, although.

It 1. of the most caally eradicable all contagions diseases, is increasing In the United Stater. "All that to rid us of this soourge," gayg This woman says that after months of suffering Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made her as well as ever. Maude F.

Forgie, of Leesburg, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: want other suffering women to know what Lydia H. Pinkham's Vego table Compound has done for me. For I suffered from feminine ills months I thought I could not live. I wrote you, and after taking Lydia E.

Pinkham's Vegetable. Compound, and using the treatment you prescribed I felt like a new woman. I am strong, and well as ever, and thank you for the good you have done me." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacementa, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodio pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, tion, dizziness or nervous prostration.

Why don't you try it Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to wealth. Address, Lynn, Mass. the report, "is the muzzling of all dogs for a few Since November; 1899, Great alp has been free from rabies, thanks to musling law rigidly enforced.

Holland, redo and Norway present like testimony. Berlin has known no since 1883. Australla, hydrophobia disease has never had a foothold; prevents the importation of dogs as a precautionary measure. The bureau is positive Chat there is no cruelty in causing dogs to wear proper muzzles when, running at large. Persons who object to a muzcling law are asked to appreciate "the anxiety, mental terror and.

suffering of several thousand human beingg in our country, and the actual death of 100 to 300 yearly, not to mention the suffering and death of countless dumb brutes. The 'matter presented 1s: one for state But large cities are urged to Increase their dog-pound service as to insure "the destruction of a large percentage of homeless and ownerless dogs, which are mainly responsible for keeping the Infecton of rabies alive." That will necessitate a very extensive reform in the system by which the pound yawns for the valuable dog owner' is willing to redeem him liberally, rather than for the homeless, friendless cut of the streete. CITIES WILL SEND TEACHERS Now York, April is made by, the National Civic Federation through Roland Pielster 9 that among the cities which have decided to send some of. their school teachers in next winter's trip to Europe whioh the federation is planning for them to rive them an opportunity to study the English school system, are Now York, which had intended to send twoaty teaohers, but is now considering doubling the number! Pittaburr, ten; Seattle, Ave; Detroit, four; Newark, N. three, and several other cities two Trangportation has been offered the teachers at only $25 to cover the cost of the food on.

the. round trip. The teachers will be given leave of absence with pay and the federation has planned so that the total expense of the trip, lasting six to eight weeks, will be DO more than the -teachers' living expenses at home abould be. Run Down 1 If your doctor says take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, take it. If he has anything better, then take that.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla NONALCOHOLIC If you arc all run down, easily tired, thin, pale, nervous, go to your Stop guessing, stop experimenting, go direct to your doctor. Ask his opinion of Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. -No alcohol, no stimulation. A blood purifier, a nerve tonic, a strong alterative, an aid to digestion. Free from Alcohol C.

AYER Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. The Latest Fashions 3 4 The white hat is a smoothly pressed straw with a band of blue matin and a large bunch of bluets. part above the brim and part under aruinst the hair. The other hat has 8 crown of pink roses with a brim of heavy ecau lace band. A large bow of brown ribbon is the only trimming Late Society KID PARTY.

Complimentary to her guest; Miss Camille Hunter of New Madrid, Mias Delight Maher delightfully entertained a company of friends at a kid party Tuesday evening at her home on West Fourth street. of the party were dregsed in children's children's games were played. In a contest of pinning a tall on a donkey Leo Brown won the prize, it being 2. small cup and saucer. These present were Misses Regina Hawkins, Nell Broderick, Alvada Hartzler, 'Leah Flinn, Hazel Taudte, Margaret Genung, Lucile Ferguson, Marie Corbett, Morrow, Delight Maher, Tillie Bernsteln, Camille Hunter of New Corbett.

Madrid, and Mesars. John Joe Morrow, Wilbur Feighner, rence Hunter. Robert Kiley, Frank Gartland, Ralph Garland, Jesse Leas John Wilson; Brown and Gall Morehead. FRIDAY SEWING CLUB. The Friday Afternoon Sewing clut will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs.

George Roehm of West: Fifth street. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Complimentary to her husband'3 birthday anniversary, Mrs. Oran MicNeeley 3 entertalned a number of friends at pedro Tuesday evening at their home on Swayzee street. Miles Bronnnie Hutchinson and Harry Powman won the prizes.

Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames George Chambers and daughter, Harry Will Enslen, Harry Bowman and er daughter, daughter, Arthur. Mesdames Arthur Miller, Samuel Hawking, Charles Snyder and Naucy. McNeely, Misses Skinner, Dora emiller, Ila Johnson, Mary Webb, Ponnie Hutchinson, Messrs. Myron Smith.

Leo Drummond, Claude Enslen, Ray Venis, Ellsworth. 4 Stone and Lytio King. THURSDAY SOCIAL CLUB. Mra. William Shaw South Washington street will entertain the regular meeting of the Thursday Social club this' afternoon.

RECEPTION. Marion society is looking forward to the, reception at. the Golf this evening with much interest. The event, Affair promises to be a most enjoyable and an Informal musical program will be given by some of the best artists in the city. Spurr's orchestra will furnish the manic for the dancing.

B. D. G. CLUB. The meeting of the B.

D. G. club was held Tuesday evening with Miss Hilda Rademaker at her home on South Washington street. ONcerg were elected and new members were taken after which the eevaing was spent socially, Those present were Misses Beatrice 'and Georgia Fansler, Helen Arnold, Hazel Lottridge, Marian BoFlorence and Irene Stanley, Lucile McGulgan, Margaret Wigger and H11- da Rademaker. The next meeting will be beld with Miss Florence Stanley of South Washington street.

TRANSPOSAL 3 OF THE BLOOD (By Associated Press) New April 22-To save the life of Grover Brendan of Sherman, Wyoming, who" was found unconscious from gas poisoning 1p the Putman house, transposal of blood frat resorted to at Bellevue hospital late last night. Brennan who is -a- buster" with the "Buffalo Bill" show, Thad fanned out the light with big sombrero. Surgeon Thatcher underwent the operation performed by Dr. L. Slocum.

Dr. Thatcher and the cowboy were placed side by aldo. The Incision was made la 'the surgoon's right arm. Brennan rallied immediately and has a fair chanco of recovery, in, surgeons 1a CUD STOP. 1863 ESTABLISHED A People want to know when buying clothes that- first, they are going to be dealt with tairly and squarely--second, that every dollar they spend is going to purchase a hundred cents worth of style, quality and service.

The success of this store has been built upon the foundation of doing these very things. You have confidence in this store because this policy is carried out to the letter every day in the year. BLUMEATHAL'S. AS TSUAL, Is well filled with all that appeals to good taste in clothing for men--the products of such well known makers as The Washington Kaufman Pre-Shrunk, Hickey and Freemen and Goldstein Co. If you wish browns we have plenty of thom, or grays, or blues, or -p blacks--n and wide under range -priced of at fabrles $23.00.

and 822.30 patterns, elegantly $20 tallored NO STORE IN MARION sells as good a suit at $15,00 as thals this fact has been demonstrated time and again to the reason 1sfaction of thousands- greater purchasing power Is the that we for, are for to give you a suit that most stores get $15 $18.00 only THE BEST BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT IN MARION- AN HONOR WELL YOUTH'S SPRING SUITS- all BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS new models--cut in two, three and -all ages 8 stiles' and fabricsyears--ill the four button, models- med. priced the Blumenthal sinall very latest protop styles--Immense At way at $10, $7.50, $6.00 and $15.00, assortment $12.50 at $18.00, $10 a at big line, special $5 Fine Work With Cue (By Associated Press) New York, April work with the cue by Rerolle, the. French amateur billiardist who held the French title for five years, losing it to Mortier just sailing, characterized his first exhibition games, played at the Liederkranse club. of the three games, played, all at 18.2 balk line, the best exhibition was with Edward McLaughlin, the professional. The Frenchman ran out his string of 200 in sixteen innings, averaging 18 12-16 and leading McLaughlin by ten points.

His high runs were 50, 48. and Earlier In the day Rerplle feated McLaughlin by 250 to 192 with a bigh run of 75.: In game with one of the club members, Rerelle, although taking it easy, rolled up 82 1p one inning. THREE LOST IN DESERT (By Associated Prose) San Francisco, April -Besides Charles McCleverty, who is reported lost in the wilderness of lower, Callfornia somewhere Lapez and Magdalena there- is also C. Taeger, rich cigar merchant of Vera Cruz, who is aid to have accompanied McCleverty on big daring journey across desert and over mountains to catch the fleet before it salled for San Diego. No word has come from either McCleverty or his companion and the old Spanish guide had been bired to lead them on their 120 mile trip is also missing.

HONEY: You tea' can't beat biscuits made outen Gold Medal Flour, -no MAMMY. RADLEY. (Special Correspondence.) Radley, April a Whitinger and wife of Muncie and James WhitInger of Rush county were here over Sunday to gee Mrs. Mell Thompson, who is very sick. Miss Edna Elliott.

Miss Laverne Dimmick and. Will Salyers spent Wednesday afternoon with Ruth James. William McMasters and family risited at Mra: Woods' Sunday. Mrs. Alice Wick of.

Marion, who has been visiting at John Good's, returned home Tuesday. Frank Johns and family attended services at Knox Chapel Sunday. Dan Tosh and wife. were. guests of Claude Thompson and wife Sunday.

Mira. Alice Case of Marion la visiting friends in this vicinity. Charles S. James put lightning rods on John Harrold's house last week. B.

C. Howell and wife were in Mar rion Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mell Thompson had 28 their Sunday guests Dan Stiere and wife, Lewis Stiers and wife, Jake Stiers and wile, Asa Bond and wife and Sam Stiers.

Miss Ruth James spent Friday afternoon with Orna Todd. Ell Edington, who has been quite sick for the past week, 1s reported -Mart- and of Converse took Easter dinner. with Mr. Barab Mart. Everett.

Howell and" wife spent Sunday with Elmer Swalm and Miss Lova Moon entertained Sunday Marie Comer, Alma 'Leona Kimmer, Rebecca Pinkerman, -Vernte McCombs, Flossie Rich, Nellie Arnett, Nellie Powers, Nora Downs, Daley Arbatt, Georgia Gibson, Ward' Orpha Bradford, Grace Colline, Currens Va Yale. J. A. Gibson', wife. and daughter, Pauline, and E.

M. Williams and wife Sundayed with Jess Manlove and tamb. fly. Roscoe Rich and John Moon were entertained Sunday by Austin Mrs. Levi Cox is on the sick list.

Clyde Tons, and wife of Marion took 1. Easter dinner with Newton Tygert and family. William Todd's children have the whooping cough.Jake Stiers and wife and Mrs. Laura James were callers at Ell Edington's Monday afternoon. Mrs.

-Elmer Chamnesa Friday afternoon with Gertie Johns. Jot Harvey of Marion Was here on business Friday. 1 Samuel Elliott and wife spent Sunday with Mra. Nickerson at- Coles. -Mra.

Anna Crider; Mary. Whipple, Charles Echelbarger and wife of Summitville spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Katie Whipple. Charles Bergen. and wife, Clarice Coggesball and Maggle Wright of Jonesboro spent Sunday at Dwen Kimbrough's.

3 William -8. Elliott's Sunday" visitors were Charles Elliott and family, WIl. liam Comer and family, Milt Jones and family, Stanley Elliott And family, Mra. Jane Jones and children and Mrs. Ruth Salyers and Ladies' Ald met at Center church Thursday afternoon and elected the following officers: President, Mre.

Florence vice- president, Mrs. Ann Kimbrough; secretary, Mrs. Emma Moon; treasurer, Mrs. Laura James. MUSKRAT HOLLOW (Special Correspondence.) Muskrat Hollow, April Sherron of.

this place called on Miss Bertha and Ross Denton Sunday. -The sick. of near Muskrat are reported no better. James Spears of. Richland township visited J.

Pritchett of this place Mrs. Lizzie Sherron and -Miss Hazel Anderson visited relatives near Up-. land over Sunday. James Dove called on Wesley Hendricka, near Fox Station, Sunday. and Mra.

Clinton Creteinger took dinner with. Thomas Cole and family Sunday. Miss Merriam Wagoner spent Sunday with Miss Abbie Bodkin. Oliver Strelb called on Miss Blanche Renbarger Sunday evening. Cleo Pritchett and Hill Sherron to Barley's mill Sunday fore noon, and the boys reported a good time when they returned from that place.

Miss Edith Atwood called on Josie Pritchett Sunday atfernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Peters attended church at Marion Sunday. Roscoe Searles was in Marion on business Saturday.

Lute Pritchett attended church at Sweetser Sunday evening. Several from this place will attend the Sunday school convention which will be held at Sweetser next Sunday. Norval Lawrence has purchased a new buggy, and is now sporting around. John Dunn went to Marion today.Lawrence Renbarger was at Jonesboro Saturday. This May Interest Yon.

No one 1g immune from Kidney trouble, 80 just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the Irregularities and cure any case of kidney and bladder -troubles that is beyond the reach of Drug Store, POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 FOR RECORDER. CHARLES F. BOXELL, of Pleasant township, wishes to announce he will be a candidate for recorder of Grant county, subject to the will of the democratic convention, and respectfully solicits your support in his behalf. -FOR SHERIFF. JOHN B.

McGUFFIN, of Center township, will be 8 candidate for the democratic nomination for sherif of Grant county, subject to. the will ot the democrats of the county. E. MONROE LEACH, of Fairmount township, is a candidate for the democratic nomination for sheriff, subject to the cholce of the democrate of the county. 7 STONE 1863 ESTABLISHED $1.50 Umbrellas at 98c Friday, 9 a.

m. Big purchase from the bankrupt stock of S. S. Fretz Umbrella Co. at 60c on the dollar.

Covers are extra good twilled Gloria with satin taped edge: paragon steel frame- -extra strong and serviceable. Men's size. 28 inch--ladies' size. 26 inch. -Hundreds of handsome-newhandles to choose from, Friday take your pick of these for $1.50, 0.

Umbrellas 98c Sale continues all day if they last that long---see window display 2. We Sell You or YouSell Us. 'New and second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, bought and gold at People's House Furnishing Co 120 W. Opp. Glass Block.


Cer. Wash. and 2nd. Sta. Hart Schaffner Marx CLOTHING PHIL -CO South Side Square SPRING SUITS for Men and Women.

$1.00 Per Week Pays the BIlL. QUEEN CITY, CLOTHING CO. Opposite Glass Block. 118 W. 3rd ALLEN'S SALVE OR Bradley Bros.

STATIONERY For one. week only commencing Monday, April 18, We will gell one pound package of. linen paper, cloth Aniah, at 25c per pound. Three ditterent colors, white, gray and We also envelopes to match. Box stationery, 25c to $1.00 per box.

J. A. THOMAS Drugs and Wall Paper, Cor. Fifth and Washington Lady's Spring Chirts, Salts and Jackets Arriying dally. Marion Dry.

Goods CoSuccessori to the "Racket Co." CHICAGO. EXCURSION VIA G. G. L' Chicago, Cincinnati R. Sunday, April 26- $2 Round Trip There 1s 10 much to see, so many places to so, so many things that you ought to know about: Chicago- that we couldn't begin to tell you of them in- this limited space.

"So you had better take in this excursion. Baseball Chicaso (Cuba) Pittsburg. Train leaves Marion at 1:44 m. Returning leaves Chicago 9:30 p. same day.

T. GURNEY, P. Chicago, Ill. CANNADAY, Marion,.

Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.