Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (2024)

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Prop Wash
Jun 12, 2010
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (1)

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (2)
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (3)

Mailer posted:

My experiences with chat in general have either been Xbox Tactical Commander barking orders in some dumb pubbie mission or people addicted to text chatting in a game I don't play with a keyboard. That's not so much these days, when the bulk of the chat is hitting up SPC and typing "r" then never touching the keyboard again.

Though my most recent chat experience is playing Hydroid and having someone say "Oh god my eyes", which I took for approval and license to spam 1 harder.

I don’t even type “r”. I will go stand by the portal and that’s how you know I’m ready.
#?May 17, 2024 17:15
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Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (6)
#?May 20, 2024 07:05
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Jul 29, 2006
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (8)
I have actual skeletons in my closet
I took a break and came back to some people in netracells and EDA talking. But it's rare. Sometimes I talk just to spook people.
#?May 17, 2024 17:16
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Feb 7, 2005
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (11)
These poles made from wood, and the crossarms from iron.
Viral is better than everything else at increasing damage and Glaxion can cap stacks in under a second. Just run Viral + Hunter Munitions or Viral + Heat. Magnetic or heat progenitor (magnetic is more flexible). Shred and Bane mods get good value.

If you want to use the nightwave mod then it's either a pure utility weapon where the damage isn't worth optimizing or you're always running green shards and Nourish to make it do damage.

#?May 17, 2024 17:19
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Feb 19, 2014
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (14)
I don't even want to see what happens if you gain CHIM outside of a pre-coded system.

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (15)

90% of the chat I've seen is folks going "woah, nice" in text chat when getting rare relic rewards
#?May 17, 2024 17:28
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Mar 30, 2003
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (18)
just wanted to make you something beautiful

gnoma posted:

Viral is better than everything else at increasing damage and Glaxion can cap stacks in under a second. Just run Viral + Hunter Munitions or Viral + Heat. Magnetic or heat progenitor (magnetic is more flexible). Shred and Bane mods get good value.

If you want to use the nightwave mod then it's either a pure utility weapon where the damage isn't worth optimizing or you're always running green shards and Nourish to make it do damage.

If we're going to get into the nitty gritty, on steel path >200 atm, grinner or corrupted, full stripping with green shards starts at about a 4.25x damage effective DPS increase and rises up to several thousand times, while viral is only valuable if you're already stripping or are using slash or heat as the scaling damage source. Even without green shards, 8 procs on corrosive heat builds tend to be more a effective DPS increase on enemies in the early steel path range where the remaining armor isn't yet enough to suppress the effective increase in DPS.

Yes, I know, viral is king poo poo because it increases heat and slash proc damage in a self-contained way, but there's a reason a lot (and I mean a lot) of content creators now create "casual" steel path weapons that run corrosive heat or corrosive cold. Even a single viral proc from some other priming source does the job of doubling health damage and you'd need nine more procs of it to gain another ~50% boost over that initial proc's value, while corrosive works for everything that isn't endurance. And hell, it works in endurance if you're running the green shards lol

Like, you're right that viral/HM will work, but there are far more ways to mod weapons these days, and you might as well play into the gimmick of this one. Run the augment, it's fun!

If you don't want to, I'd argue that there are already many better options, even in the beam weapon space. You could get a Torid incarnon and forget about the rest of Warframe, right?

#?May 17, 2024 17:31
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Mar 30, 2003
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (21)
just wanted to make you something beautiful
Note that I'm not writing this to go hard on gnoma, nothing said there was incorrect, and their arguments are sound about optimal loadouts.

But Warframe is easy. The game is complex, but once you have access to the right mods and resources, almost everything can be made to scale to level cap. You have an overwhelming number of tools to solve basically every problem.

For me, modding a weapon with a unique augment is about getting a unique tool or a unique experience that works well in a mostly self-contained way, instead of hewing to a specific loadout structure that generically works and has no realistic chance of being uprooted. That's why I'm arguing for corrosive cold and primary frostbite for fun, instead of running viral hunter munitions on the Nth crit viable primary, and it's why I usually don't ever outsource viral to nourish unless I'm playing Grendel. I want there to some some challenge or interesting structure to my gameplay, or I will get bored of this game.

I've poured 2.6k hours into Warframe. I'm gonna use the augments because they can tickle a beat out of my cold dead heart.

#?May 17, 2024 17:41
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I Am Just a Box
Jul 20, 2011
I belong here. I contain only inanimate objects. Nothing is amiss.

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (24)

Prop Wash posted:

I don’t even type “r”. I will go stand by the portal and that’s how you know I’m ready.


Usually I don't end up chatting in pub missions, no need for it. Sometimes I'll compliment somebody's landing craft on the loading screen or I have to ask people to slow down in void fissures until everybody gets all their reactant.

I sit around in Q&A to answer questions for newer players and there's plenty of chat there, if anything I think crossplay has made it go way too fast, and that's not counting the periodic person who seems invested in wasting people's time by spamming the channel or trying to troll by asking frustration questions about content they already mastered long ago.

#?May 17, 2024 17:43
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Agents are GO!
Dec 29, 2004
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (27)
I'm running green sharts instead
#?May 17, 2024 18:00
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Sep 16, 2005
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (30)
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (31)
Gun Saliva

Zooloo posted:

Note that I'm not writing this to go hard on gnoma, nothing said there was incorrect, and their arguments are sound about optimal loadouts.

But Warframe is easy. The game is complex, but once you have access to the right mods and resources, almost everything can be made to scale to level cap. You have an overwhelming number of tools to solve basically every problem.

For me, modding a weapon with a unique augment is about getting a unique tool or a unique experience that works well in a mostly self-contained way, instead of hewing to a specific loadout structure that generically works and has no realistic chance of being uprooted. That's why I'm arguing for corrosive cold and primary frostbite for fun, instead of running viral hunter munitions on the Nth crit viable primary, and it's why I usually don't ever outsource viral to nourish unless I'm playing Grendel. I want there to some some challenge or interesting structure to my gameplay, or I will get bored of this game.

I've poured 2.6k hours into Warframe. I'm gonna use the augments because they can tickle a beat out of my cold dead heart.

Yeah, I'm closing in on 4k hours and figuring out how to get the augments to play ball is part of the fun. I ended up quite impressed with the Ocucor after the augment. I was also surprised at how effective the Sporothrix is with its. Dumb gimmicks are the heart and soul of what makes Warframe fun.

My go-tos are reload/mag on Felarx and base-combo on the Wolf Sledge. The former might actually be somewhat meta on the gun, but playing with the Felarx's fire rate is a good time. I also built a 7-status Akbronco Prime for the hell of it. It's not good by any stretch, but it IS stupid.

I do like Nourish, but mostly blended with frames where it can goose powers like on Gara or Mesa. Hell, my running around Wisp has Golden Instinct instead. My favorite stupid Helminth play was putting Vial Rush on my Avalanche Frost. Just dash on in and hit 4.

#?May 17, 2024 18:15
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Potato Salad
Oct 23, 2014
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (34)
nobody cares

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (35)
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (36)

Diggity, I haven't played this game in like 7 years. Its fun as hell, and its performing and looking better on my machine than nearly every new game I've picked up in 2024. I remember not understanding the movement system at all last time I played this, but I guess more mobility tech in more modern games means that my brain is comprehending the movement system almost automatically.

Is Goonframe still a thing?

#?May 18, 2024 02:44
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Kesper North
Nov 3, 2011
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (39)

Potato Salad posted:

Diggity, I haven't played this game in like 7 years. Its fun as hell, and its performing and looking better on my machine than nearly every new game I've picked up in 2024. I remember not understanding the movement system at all last time I played this, but I guess more mobility tech in more modern games means that my brain is comprehending the movement system almost automatically.

Is Goonframe still a thing?

Game is probably in the best shape it's ever been, with more good things coming. The goon clan and discord are still extremely active.

You can even play Warframe on your phone, if you're a sad*st and want to ruin the experience of everyone who ends up with you as session host.

#?May 18, 2024 04:37
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Potato Salad
Oct 23, 2014
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (42)
nobody cares

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (43)
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (44)

Is it worth opening all the crates and lockers during missions?
#?May 18, 2024 20:29
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Apr 20, 2003
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (47)
Here's the thing, I'm a feminist.

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (48)
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (49)
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (50)

Not especially, unless you're really hurting for a particular resource available in that region
#?May 18, 2024 20:33
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gimme the GOD DAMN candy
Jul 1, 2007
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (53)
a box breaker build was nice for farming lanthorns, but you don't really need to do that any more now that labs exist.
#?May 18, 2024 20:35
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Lord Wexia
Sep 27, 2005
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (56)
Boo zombie apocalypse.
Hooray beer!
What is the deal with bonus rewards in Railjack void storms? I did a run with no relic, finished all the objectives, and got no bonus reward. Is that just a thing that happens sometimes, or did I miss something? Wiki says you can do those missions without using a relic and still get a chance at Sevagoth parts and such.
#?May 18, 2024 21:31
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Dec 17, 2010
Some mission types like that have really poorly telegraphed drops. Including bounties for the new faction. You just have to trust you're getting it cause if you get a common like endo, it just looks like a normal thing you got in mission
#?May 18, 2024 22:33
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Zero VGS
Aug 16, 2002
Lipstick Apathy

gimme the GOD drat candy posted:

a box breaker build was nice for farming lanthorns, but you don't really need to do that any more now that labs exist.

Specifically those loot goblin Gruzzles or whatever, drop a 3x pack of Lanthorn about a third of the time, and that can be resource-boosted to 6x. I have like 200 of them now even with spending some daily on Voca and Plumes. You also get 1x Lanthorne as a guaranteed drop from Netracells which can be boosted, and Elite Deep Archimedia gives a 3x pack are a guaranteed mid-mission reward (which is not boostable)
#?May 18, 2024 22:43
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Nov 12, 2020
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (63)
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (64)
I have it at last. The mythical Badd Gann.

(52% toxin, so it's actually quite a Good Gann)

#?May 19, 2024 17:31
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Filthy Haiku
Oct 22, 2010
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (67)
i am shattering like glass

but at least
i have

springy ride

SkyeAuroline posted:

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (68)
I have it at last. The mythical Badd Gann.

(52% toxin, so it's actually quite a Good Gann)

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (69)

Bit judgey there, eh?

#?May 19, 2024 19:50
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Potato Salad
Oct 23, 2014
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (72)
nobody cares

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (73)
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (74)

SkyeAuroline posted:

Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (75)
I have it at last. The mythical Badd Gann.

(52% toxin, so it's actually quite a Good Gann)

So.....aoe virus primer?
#?May 19, 2024 20:36
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Kesper North
Nov 3, 2011
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (78)
How are folks building their Tenet Glaxions?
#?May 19, 2024 20:42
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Jul 29, 2006
Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (81)
I have actual skeletons in my closet

Kesper North posted:

How are folks building their Tenet Glaxions?

In the foundry
#?May 19, 2024 22:06
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Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (84)
#?May 20, 2024 07:05
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Zero VGS
Aug 16, 2002
Lipstick Apathy

temple posted:

In the foundry

That's not true they are only claimed there. No building required.
#?May 19, 2024 22:18
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The Something Awful Forums > Discussion > Video Games > Warframe: Party Like It's 1999

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Warframe: Party Like It's 1999 (2024)


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