Progress & perseverance: how far we've all come (2024)

Chapter 01: Disruption


10 BU (Before the Usurper)

Flames flickered across the midnight remnants of homes in the Valley of Abundance. A new moon shine over the ash-covered paths and shattered bricks, reflecting the orange waves of light back to its source. Bodies of the inhabitants lay strewn across the ground, inspected by numerous Pokémon wearing black armbands.

A Gengar hovered through ruins, savoring the Life escaping from their victims. The smoke-choked air, fueled by his master’s power over Life, only enhanced his glee. The screams that filled the air minutes earlier was replaced by the crackle of wood and the silent whisper of wind through the village.

He swerved in front of Zoroark and bowed. “Lord Arthus, all the villagers have been vanquished.” He looked up expectantly at the Zoroark.

Arthus remained motionless, holding his claws behind his back. He gazed across the burning remnants forlornly, his eyes flickering each time he studied a body. His mane rustled in the wind, flecks of ash and blood peppered with the crimson fur.

The sneer of the Gengar disappeared. He floated behind Arthus and asked, “What is the matter? You have won! You had such great power, and reveled in it! What has caused you to be like this?”

Arthus scraped his claws together, counteracting the silence with the gentle ‘scritch-scritch’. “Did you…did you find any Lucario? Among the dead?”

“Yes, sire.”

“How many?” Arthus replied, lowering his head.

“Two, a male and female.”

“Did you find a Riolu with them?”

“No, Sire.”

Arthus snapped his claws, halting the scratch. “Did anyone escape?” he asked, baring his teeth.

The Gengar hovered back, veering away from his master’s claws. “Sire, with all that was going on, how could—”

“Gregorius, did anyone escape!” Arthus grabbed the Gengar’s arm, glowing with ethereal red light.

Gregorius groaned, clenching his teeth. “I-It is hard to say! Matheus’ interference may have allowed—”

Arthus threw him to the ground and threw his arms down. “Did you find the Seal?” His voice rose, causing Gregorius to quiver.

“N-…No, sire.”

Arthus suddenly calmed, then abruptly threw a wild ball of light at a tower of stone, bowling it over with its power. “I killed for nothing then! Pokemon I’ve known my entire life…dead!” He punched a boulder, pounding it to powder. “Matheus got away with his sister and nephew, and now there’s no going back!” He jabbed a claw at Gregorius with a dark look. “If you hadn’t assured me that I could bring my wife back, I would have abandoned this when Matheus fled!”

Gregorius came to his feet waveringly, forcing a chuckle. “And I assure you, you will see her again, after you accomplish what must be done.”

Arthus vented his breath and sighed, holding up a hand. A crimson flame erupted from the palm, illuminating his crestfallen features.

“Killing more Pokemon to destroy evil? Then making them anew with Arceus’ power?” He crushed the flame.

“So be it.”


Two Lucario ran through the woodland under the dark night, one holding a bundle in her arms, and another a large sack over his shoulder. Wild Noctowl hooted their warning cries, while Ariados and Spinarak screed, hoping for the Lucario to fall prey to their webs. Their targets remained on the worn path, heading toward a haven amongst the assault on their home.

The one with the bundle asked hushedly, “How much longer until we’re there?”

Her companion replied, “Not much farther now.” He ducked his head underneath a branch, as did his sister. “Keep close.”

They weaved through the woods now avoiding the wild Pokemon’s dens and hovels, their feet padding silently across the twigs and leaves scattered on the forest floor. Earth and flower masked the scent of poison and decay coming from the Arbok tunnel mere feet from where they crossed, and a flock of Mandibuzz above cawed triumphantly over their latest find—a Sawsbuck carcass, freshly hunted by a pack of roving Mightyena.

A small house loomed in a clearing, and the elder Lucario halted. He gestured to the house and bowed his head, adjusting the cloak over his back. “It’s yours, Azure.”

His sister stepped forward, open-mouthed. “How—when—?”

“I had it made several years back, and I lived here when I wanted a break from Guild business—before Arthus turned on me.” He stared at the ground, his paws shaking, then shook his head, peering at the bundle in the other Lucario’s paws. “Is Laryon alright?” He pulled back the blankets, revealing the sleeping face of an infant Riolu.

Azure crooned over the young one, nodding her head. “Yes, he’s fine.” Her tail lowered and her eyes drifted back to the direction they came. “Matheus, what about his parents—our brother and his wife? Do you think they might have survived?”

The elder Lucario shook his head, sighing. “No. Arthus was crazy enough to attack Quantus for this:” He pulled back the Riolu’s blanket, revealing an intricate golden circle, a hint of the arc of Arceus in its handiwork. A sapphire set in the center pulsed with blue light, in tandem with the Riolu’s gentle heartbeat.

Matheus pulled the blanket back over it, closing his eyes and putting a paw over his mouth. “He’s changed…so much, ever since I came back from Deitae. I should never have left him.”

“You couldn’t have known this would happen! It’s all that Gengar’s fault, and you know it.”

Matheus nodded reluctantly. “Maybe.” His head jolted at the cries emanating in the distance. “The Guild—they’ve found out we’ve escaped.” He turned back to Azure. “I’ll throw them off. There's plenty of supplies in the house; stay in there, and I’ll try to be back as soon as I can.”

Matheus remained still, then turned away. “I’ll try to be back by tomorrow.” He sprinted away, his steps lacking the precision from before.

He ran forward, blinking in the rush of wind. Tears streamed down the sides of his face, not entirely caused by the wind.

“Arthus…why did you do this?”


Year of the Usurper (0 BU)

Morning shone across Serenita, over the many forests that covered its center. In the Revenant Forest, a river sparkles in the sunlight, and Basculin swam against the current to their spawning ground, while Talonflame swooped from above and caught them in their claws.

Underneath a giant oak tree, next to a downtrodden path, a figure covered by a tattered brown cloak slept peacefully. His grizzled blue fur absorbed the sunlight, warming the Pokemon’s body, while the hat that lay across his face protected from the harsh beams.

The Lucario stirred, rising from the roots of the oak and stretching his limbs. The river babbled behind him, while the trail stretched to the north and south, extending to towns and outposts he had been through days before.

He lowered his arms and turned to the river. Pulling the cloak and hat from the ground, he set them over his shoulders and head respectively and knelt next to the water. He cupped his paws and took a drink from the spring, allowing the crisp sweetness soothe his sore throat.

He studied the reflection in the water. Tired eyes gazed back at him, worn by years of living on the run by those he had called friends. Gray fur peppered across his blue and black, and thick scars showed through the thin layer. The spikes set in his chest and paws remained sharp, their luster gone after years of wear.

Basculin swam through his reflection, gaping back at him with blank eyes. He stared at them, then swiftly grabbed a blue Basculin by the tail and bludgeoned it with a nearby rock, beating out the feeble life within.

He prepared a fire from the dead branches around him and stabbed the Basculin with a stick, roasting it over the open flame.

The Lucario plucked Sitrus berries from a bush growing next to the oak, then smothered the still-cooking Basculin with the squashed berries. He let it simmer, then picked up the stick and bit into the softened flesh.

Chewing the fish thoughtfully, he imagined someone sitting next to him with their own Basculin, when he was a young Lucario. An equally-young Zoroark sat next to him, flavoring his red Basculin with a spicy Tamato berry.

In the brief flashback, he saw the Zoroark turn to him and laugh. “You’re right, Matheus; this is good!”

He heard himself reply, “I know, right! Arceus said years ago, ‘All who are not enlightened by the Lake’s light are to be taken sparingly by those who are, just as it is among their order.’ There’s nothing wrong with eating some meat every once in a while.”

The Zoroark wrapped an arm around him, holding his Basculin aloft. “Praise Arceus for this delicious meal!”

Matheus raised his own Basculin and shouted, “As do I--”

He flinched, lowering the fish. “…Arthus.” He took another bite from it, leaving his memories once more.

He finished his breakfast and looked across the path. Beyond it, a range of stark mountains rose, and beyond them, the ruined village that he once called home.

Matheus walked along the path, thinking of all that he had done since that fateful day. The outposts that had made his guild—Arthus’ guild—strong, made his journey difficult. When he did escape from his enemies, he returned to Azure only briefly—he had to ensure that Arthus remained on his trail, assuming that he would have the key to changing the world: the Seal of Creation.

He protected the Seal from Arthus for ten years, and finally, would return to it’s hiding place, where his remaining family happened to be. His sister and nephew didn’t come to mind often, except when Arthus’ threat of murdering the world returned to his dreams, reminding him of the keepers of the Seal. Despite warnings, he never felt attached to his family at all—especially after crushing betrayal.

He halted, twisting his head. The black appendages on his head raised, and he could sense a Pokemon lying in wait. Hungry, soulless, unfeeling—the deep gray of the creature echoed these qualities to the Lucario, reminding him of the gifts the Creator had bestowed to his children.

Matheus took careful steps forward, looking forward. The long grass rustled alongside him, and a deep, snarling his curled from it. Matheus turned his head.

A giant Arbok sprung from the grass, its fangs bared and ready to pierce Matheus’ body. He leapt away from the rippling coils and held up his paws, his appendages lowering.

The Arbok let out a throaty hiss and rushed toward him. Matheus leapt over the serpent and landed just behind it. The Arbok turned around rushed again, and Matheus leapt once more.

The Arbok hissed in aggravation, charging yet again. Matheus reared back a fist and punched it between the eyes. The Arbok screeched shaking its head and swirling around the Lucario.

Matheus grabbed the tail of the beast and yanked it, forcing the Arbok to halt. He raised a paw, which now glowed with silvery-white light.

The Arbok continued to coil around Matheus, closing the gap between their bodies. Matheus swung his paw down, causing three streaks of light to gouge through the violet scales.

The Arbok hissed in agony, slithering away and leaving a scarlet trail behind it. Matheus nodded his head, continuing his walk to Azure’s house.

Wild Pokemon: predictable foes at best, for the Enlightened, at least. The Arbok would have been a formidable foe against a wild Tranquill or Stantler, but against a Lucario like Matheus, it stood no chance.

He thought back to years ago, how an Arbok nearly took his and Arthus’ life. Now they were no harder then fishing from a stream.

Looking around, his eyes gravitated toward a path of crushed grass and cut trees to his left. Wild Pokemon were far more careful in their habits, and few Enlightened Pokemon ever crossed this trail—especially after the devastation of Quantus.

His appendages lifted again, and the Aura in the air caused his stomach to turn. Anger, frustration, fear, alongside a hint of bitterness, lingered over the trail. Whatever had come here had come in force, and it sought nothing good to what it come across.

He stopped sensing the aura and inspected the mangled undergrowth more thoroughly. He plucked a section of fabric from the scratched pine, feeling the familiar weave.

He sniffed it briefly, and his eyes widened. Dust, scattered with iron and pine sap. Pine sap. The distinct smell of the dust could only come from one place: Symbol Canyon, the location of Zoroark Guild.

He sprinted off the trail and past the homes of wild Pokemon. He hoped he wasn’t too late to save the Seal.



In the cool darkness of her bedroom, Azure Lucario’s eyes fluttered open. Light peeked through the shuttered window, dust motes dancing in the beams.

She got out of bed and opened the shutters, illuminating the bed that sat at the foot of her own.

A figure underneath the blankets mumbled to himself, tossing and turning underneath. “Mmmff…too bright…”

Azure smiled, standing in front of a mirror and smoothing her fur. “Laryon, it’s time to get up.”

She took a rag from the table and polished her spikes, while Laryon languidly flopped out of bed. She sprinkled water from a bowl onto her face, watching from the reflection as Laryon dug a golden necklace from the bed, putting it over his neck.

She rubbed her face dry with a towel and turned to face Laryon, who rubbed his eyes. “What would you like for breakfast?

His tired features suddenly brightened. “Oran pancakes?”

Azure shrugged. “Why not?”

“Yay!” Laryon cried as Azure opened the door and exited the room.

She walked past a straw-filled couch and a table toward a dark stove. She opened the door, finding logs and kindling already piled inside.

Azure looked back at Laryon and gave him a knowing look. “You gathered wood last night so you wouldn’t have to do it today, didn’t you?”

Laryon, who sat at the table, grinned, nodding.

Azure smirked, taking a flint from the stovetop. “Smart.” She struck the flint against a spike set in her paw, and a spark flew into the kindling, setting the wood alight

She closed the door and opened the cupboards, taking out a bowl, a bag of flour and a basket of berries. She began mixing the flour and berries inside the bowl.

“A good thing that Sammie Pelipper delivers things to us, right?” Azure noted.

“Yep! We couldn’t have yummy breakfasts like this one without her!” Laryon replied, nodding his head.

Azure hummed, stepping away from the bowl of batter and taking a pan out from a cabinet beneath her. “What do you want to hear about today?”

“The story about the Lake Pokemon!” Laryon replied.

Azure gave him a faux astonished look, setting the pan on the stove. “But you’ve heard that one hundreds of times!”

“But I like it!”

Azure sighed, pouring batter into the pan. “Oh, alright. Thousands of years ago, no Pokemon could speak. They were wild, just like the ones that live in this very forest. No good or bad came from them, since they had no knowledge, emotion, or willpower.”

Azure scraped up the cake with a spatula and flipped it over. “Arceus knew that his creations were so much more than animals. He commanded the Pokemon of the Lake of Enlightenment—Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf—to give Pokemon memories, feelings, and will, so that they could become like he is.”

She lifted the pancake and set it on a plate, carrying it to the table. “And they did as he commanded. They gathered two of each Pokemon, and gave them memories to learn from their mistakes, emotion to grow closer to their fellow Pokemon, and willpower to strive for the better. Alongside this gift, these Enlightened Pokemon learned to speak by the Legends’ hands.”

She set the plate in front of Laryon, hugging him afterwards. “Why do you like that story so much?”

Laryon broke free of her grip, laughing. “I just like how nice Arceus is in it.”

Azure smiled, stopped over to the stove, then poured more batter into the pan. “I like how nice he was too.” She pulled a fork from the drawer and handed it to the Riolu. “Now eat your breakfast.”

They finished eating breakfast, and Azure took a pile of papers and sticks of charcoal from a side table, then brought them to the main table in the kitchen.

She set a leaf of paper and a length of charcoal in front of Laryon, and a set in front of herself. “Time to practice writing.” Laryon picked up the charcoal and hunched over the paper eagerly.

Azure sat on a chair, pulling a small book close to her. “Write after me.” She opened the book and was about to read—

Boom! Boom! Boom!

They turned their heads to the door, which shuddered still.

“No one’s knocked on the door before,” Laryon quietly said, looking at Azure nervously.

Azure came around the table and squeezed his paw, forcing a smile. “I’ll go see who it is.” Her smile faded, replaced by a cold stare.

She opened the door a crack and gasped. “Matheus?”


Matheus panted, pointing behind him. “You have to leave. Now.”

Azure opened the door wider and stuttered, “W-What? Why? What’s going on?”

“Who is it, Azure?”

Matheus looked behind Azure and saw a young Riolu, holding his paws behind his back. Hanging around his neck was a small golden pendant.

Matheus sighed, holding a paw to his chest. “Good. The Seal’s safe.” He looked behind him. “Can I come inside?”

Azure nodded, stepping aside. “Yes, you can, but why are you here? I thought you were keeping the Guild away?”

Matheus stepped inside, inspecting the room. “I saw signs of them nearby, and I believe that Arthus might be with them.”

“Who’s Arthus? What’s the Guild?” Laryon asked.

Azure put a paw over his shoulder while Matheus pulled supplies from the cupboards. “They’re Pokemon I hoped you never had to meet.”

Matheus yanked a bag out from the closet, blowing the dust from the top. “They used to be good Pokemon, until my closest friend turned them for the worst.” He turned to Azure and asked, “Does anyone else know about this place except you and me?”

“Except for a delivery Pelipper for food and supplies, no.” She rubbed her shoulder uncomfortably, staring at the floor. “Matheus, why are you here all of a sudden? It’s been ten years! I had no idea what happened to you.”

“Is he your husband?” Laryon asked.

At Azure’s shocked face, Matheus replied, “Brother, actually.” He looked at Laryon shrewdly. “What have you taught him? Anything about combat? Survival?”

“Nothing of the sort,” Azure replied, shaking off her shock. “I’ve taught him how to read, write, and about Arceus. What Mom and Dad did for us.”

Matheus muttered under his breath, stuffing berries and bread into the bag. “I’ll have to teach him myself then.”

Azure let go of Laryon and shook her head in disbelief. “Is that all you’re concerned about how? This is the first time you’ve seen us in ages, and all you’re worried about is leaving?”

“I have to keep the Seal safe from Arthus!” Matheus grabbed Azure’s shoulders, quivering. “You know what will happen if he finds it. I can’t let that happen. I can’t fail again.” Azure was about to reply, but was stopped by Matheus’ paw over her mouth.

He co*cked his head, then closed his eyes. His appendages lifted, and he gritted his teeth. Anger, revenge, hatred. They were here.

Matheus grabbed Laryon’s arm and pulled him close. “Azure, take him and the Seal away from here. I’ll hold them off.”

“Hold who off?”

A fireball raced through the window, and Matheus pushed Azure and Laryon to the ground, narrow avoiding the flame. “Arthus.”

The door pounded rattling in its hinges. “They’re in here!” a voice shouted.

Pokemon rushed by the window, with a Throh standing behind it and making a scowl. “Lord, the Seal!”

Matheus rushed forward and punched the Throh’s face, pushing him away. “Go through the backdoor! I’ll take care of them!”

The door clanged once more, splintering. Azure grabbed Laryon’s wrist, grabbed the bag of supplies, and ran through a corridor. She looked back at Theus, her face dropping, then went out of sight.

Matheus held up his paws, rolling his shoulder. The door pounded a final time, and it fell forward, revealing an Arcanine, Hitmonlee, and Weavile, all wearing black armbands.

“It’s been a long time, Matheus. Where’s the Seal?” the Hitmonlee seethed.

Matheus stepped forward, baring his teeth. “Why would I tell you, traitors? Whatever happened to protecting Pokemon? You abandoned that as soon as Arthus—”

“You still don’t understand! There will be no need for a Guild once Arthus eliminates evil!” the Arcanine barked.

Matheus growled, spitting the floor. “How wrong you are…”

The Weavile hissed and leapt forward, stretching her claws. Matheus leapt out of the way, kicking the Weavile across the chest. She flew into the Hitmonlee, sending him into a tree.

The Arcanine roared, fire rising from his throat. Matheus dashed forward and punched him in the jaw, twisting his head and forcing his fire upward. It shot from his mouth onto the roof, quickly stoking a flame from the woodwork.

As the flames spread, Matheus rapidly rammed his paws into the Arcanine’s chest, then made a final swing across his head, knocking him out. The Hitmonlee and Weavile got up from the tree, the former stretching his legs and the other baring her claws. The Lucario grabbed hold of the Arcanine’s legs and swung him into them, pinning them underneath the moaning Arcanine’s weight.

Matheus looked around him, noticing the rapidly spreading flame. A cry came from the other side of the house, and he turned to the source. The Seal was in danger.

He ran through the cinders, rushing toward the back door. Yells echoed all around him, centering on the door that drew closer. He burst through, finding a Manectric and Machoke surrounding Azure.

The Manectric sparked just in front of her, causing Laryon to bury his face into her leg. “Why are these mean Pokemon doing this?” he cried.

Matheus batted away the Machoke, taking a sizeable rock from the ground. He threw it at the Manectric’s head, forcing it to the ground.

Matheus picked up Laryon and set him over his shoulders, the Riolu hiding his face in Matheus’ coarse fur. He pointed to the trees. “This way!” He ran forward, and Azure did the same, the Machoke and Manectric stirring from their strikes.

They dodged between the trees, noticing the padding of other paws. They looked to their right, and noticed three Lycanroc approaching them, their eyes glaring at Matheus and Laryon.

Matheus looked ahead, noticing a scarlet stain on the ground. He veered left, and Azure and the Lycanroc followed him. A low cave appeared on the ground, and a warning hiss echoed from within.

“Split!” Matheus called. Azure and Matheus wrapped around each side of the cave, right when the injured Arbok sprung out from the cave, clamping its jaws around the neck of the lead Lycanroc. The other two savagely attacked the wild Pokemon while the two Lucario rejoined, with Matheus grateful for his previous encounter.

He took a glance behind him, noticing Laryon’s pained expression. He wondered how the young Riolu had grown, living without his parents, with the responsibility of the Seal. Did he know what it truly was? Did he know he held the safety of the world in his paws?

An ominous wind blew past them, and Matheus jerked his head to the right. He knew that distinct chill.

Someone screamed, and Matheus ran to them. “Azure!”

He halted behind a pine, adjusting Laryon’s position on his back. He restrained a gasp, seeing Azure pinned to a tree by a scowling Gengar, covered with black stripes and glowing with a slight red.

The Gengar pressed close to Azure’s face and snarled, “Tell me where the Seal is, or I’ll make you have the worst nightmare in your entire existence!”

Matheus kept Laryon’s head pressed against his fur. He couldn’t let him see Azure in this state; he would surely jeopardize their position, and the Seal.

“Leave her be, Gregorius. She won’t be any use to us traumatized.”

In a shimmer of light, a graying Zoroark appeared from behind a tree, stepping toward the Gengar and Azure with a grin. “I hate having to get messy, what with involving the Guild and burning down a house—if accidentally.” He pushed Gregorius away, freeing Azure from his grip.

Azure’s eyes widened, and she started to step away. “Arthus?” she croaked.

Arthus bowed, extending a claw. “Good, you remember me.” He looked up. “I don’t know what Matheus has told you, but—”

Azure batted his claw away stamping her paw. “You destroyed Quantus! You killed Connor, my parents, even Ferrick! And now you come here like we’re friends.”

Matheus restrained himself from going out and attacking Arthus and Gregorius. There was too great a chance that he would take the Seal and run to the Tree of Life. He had to remain behind the tree, out of sight.

Arthus stared down at the smitten claw, then shook his head. “I have no time for this.” He grabbed Azure’s paw, and the ground beneath them glowed. “Gregorius, go back and gather the Guild. I’ll take Azure back with us.”

“What for? She’ll be of no use to us,” Gregorius scowled.

Progress & perseverance: how far we've all come (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.