Hunt Showdown - Complete Tools Guide and Tips (2024)

Hunt Showdown - Complete Tools Guide and Tips (1)

  • Otsikko: Hunt: Showdown
  • Release Date: Elokuu 27, 2019
  • Kehittäjä: Crytek
  • Kustantaja: Crytek

A concise handbook providing fundamental insights into the various tools available within the game, aiming to enhance your decision-making skills when constructing a loadout.


It is highly advisable to possess an effective means of inflicting substantial melee damage, predominantly for Player versus Environment (PvE) scenarios, although it could also prove valuable in Player versus Player (PvP) encounters. Supplementary options such as hurling knives and axes, specialized melee weapons occupying dedicated weapon slots, and attachments designed for melee purposes can conceivably serve as alternatives to the default melee tool. However, it is important to note that these substitutes may entail certain disadvantages, such as an augmented expenditure of stamina.


  • Kestävyys: 7/18
  • Vahinko: 58/92

The melee weapon in question exhibits exceptional versatility. Its formidable power allows it to dispatch adversaries with a single forceful strike. Moreover, when confronted with armored foes, a combination of two light attacks followed by two heavy strikes inflicts a fatal blow, consuming a mere 50 units of stamina. Notably, when pitted against Immolators, its efficacy is comparable to that of the Dusters, with a slight advantage in stamina consumption (28 units versus 30 units). This weapon possesses the ability to swiftly eliminate enemy hunters through a single, well-aimed heavy attack to the head, as its piercing damage permits lethal headshots even when obstructed by the target’s arms.

Regrettably, this weapon does possess a couple of shortcomings. It lacks the capability to dispatch hounds with a single strike, necessitating additional effort. Furthermore, it fails to exhibit the same strengths as the heavy knife. Nonetheless, it remains a strong contender for the title of the most proficient melee tool, alongside the heavy knife.

Raskas veitsi

  • Kestävyys: 15/25
  • Vahinko: 72/120

The luminary’s light attacks possess a slight advantage in terms of cost compared to the heavy strikes of the knuckle knife. Additionally, these light attacks have the ability to eliminate targets in a single blow, just like the knuckle knife. Consequently, the luminary proves to be significantly more effective when one is fatigued. On the other hand, the heavy attacks of the luminary have the capacity to eliminate hounds in a single blow, making them a broad sweeping strike that can dispatch multiple artificial intelligence entities simultaneously. This results in improved efficiency in terms of time and stamina. When it comes to defeating an armored opponent, the luminary can achieve this slightly faster than the knuckle knife by employing only two heavy attacks and one light attack. Although this approach requires more stamina, approximately 65 units, the light attack can be executed last when one is exhausted, thus reducing the stamina requirement to only 26 units. Furthermore, the luminary exhibits satisfactory performance when it comes to clearing concertina obstacles.

However, the luminary does have a couple of limitations. Firstly, it is incapable of dealing with Immolators, and secondly, it lacks piercing damage, which could put it at a disadvantage in a melee encounter involving other tools. Nevertheless, based on my personal experience, encounters with Immolators rarely pose a significant challenge that cannot be overcome by utilizing buttstock bashes. Moreover, I can hardly recall the last time I engaged in a tool melee fight. Therefore, it can confidently be considered a strong contender for the title of the best tool melee weapon, alongside the knuckle knife.


  • Kestävyys: 5/10
  • Vahinko: 31/72

The weapon possesses limited destructive capability and necessitates accurate targeting, yet it possesses a significant reservoir of endurance. While it does not hold the same level of ineffectiveness as the knife, it falls slightly short when compared to both the knuckle knife and the heavy knife. Should it have the capability to eliminate Immolators with two heavy strikes, or even with two heavy strikes followed by a light strike, it could potentially serve as a valuable tool for countering Immolators. However, at present, the knuckle knife proves to be just as effective, if not superior, in dispatching Immolators.


  • Kestävyys: 20/25
  • Vahinko: 52/105

I am not aware of any scenario wherein the knife surpasses the effectiveness of alternative choices. The alternatives require significantly less stamina and either dispatch adversaries in an equivalent or shorter amount of time. The most comparable alternative is the heavy knife, which serves as a straightforward upgrade, inflicting more damage at a lower cost. The sole advantage of the knife over the heavy knife lies in its ability to achieve headshots through arms. However, the knuckle knife possesses the same capability, along with more economical stamina usage and the ability to incapacitate Immolators. If the knife had identical stamina costs to the knuckle knife, it might have some utility. Presently, the only rationale for selecting the knife would be an excessive fondness for its aesthetic, to the extent of sacrificing functionality.


Offensive implements are highly effective in PvE scenarios and potentially in PvP as well. They encompass a spectrum of noise levels, ranging from almost silent to quieter than firearms. This allows for more efficient elimination of targets and destruction without revealing your precise location to the entire server. Even if you adopt an aggressive playstyle that doesn’t prioritize hiding, minimizing unnecessary gunfire proves valuable in thwarting ambushes from those who prefer concealment.


When thrown, an axe can eliminate grunts, hives, hounds, and armored enemies with a single body shot. It takes a headshot or two body shots to neutralize a concertina-armored opponent. You can hurl your axes at a boss, then swiftly approach and retrieve them while launching melee attacks. This method inflicts considerable damage, staggering the boss and granting you the opportunity to deliver two or three powerful strikes before regrouping. Throwing axes can also dispatch horses with one shot, take down water devils in two shots (though retrieving the axes may prove challenging), eliminate hunters (although not as effortlessly as guns do), combat meatheads (although they pose a moderate threat due to their slow speed), and trigger explosions in kennel lanterns (which emits a comparatively muted sound compared to gunfire, but still audible from nearby compounds). The melee attack of the throwing axe resembles that of a heavy knife, capable of instantly killing grunts and hives with light attacks when exhausted, as well as eliminating hounds with a single blow and cleaving through groups of enemies with powerful strikes when utilizing the Assailant perk. However, it demands significant stamina, so if you opt to carry throwing axes as your sole melee weapon, exhaustion becomes a pressing concern. In such cases, you must decide whether to discard your last axe or retain it.


Similar to throwing axes, throwing knives offer a versatile offensive option. However, they require more skill to wield effectively. Hives and hounds can be eliminated with a headshot, while body shots necessitate either two strikes or one strike followed by the retrieval damage. Armored opponents succumb to two body shots and subsequent retrieval, while concertina-armored enemies require two headshots or three body shots. Against bosses, throwing knives allow for the same retrieval tactic combined with melee attacks as with axes, but their lower damage output makes them slightly less effective when stamina conservation is a concern. Thanks to their higher capacity, throwing knives excel in stamina-independent scenarios where throwing alone is more advantageous than using axes. They can also dispatch horses with one shot, eliminate water devils in two shots (although retrieving the knives may prove challenging), take down hunters with a headshot (body shots deal 120 damage), combat meatheads (albeit slowly and with some risk), and trigger lantern explosions in kennels (producing a sound that can be heard from neighboring compounds but is considerably quieter than gunfire). The melee attack of throwing knives is mostly ineffective without the Assailant perk, but with the perk, its potency matches that of a regular knife. Although I personally don’t consider it worthwhile, it might appeal to certain individuals.

Knives vs. Axes

Throwing axes are generally easier to employ, particularly against (concertina) armored opponents and bosses. They serve as a reliable melee weapon even without additional perks. However, their availability is limited, with only two or three axes provided per resupply. On the other hand, throwing knives boast a capacity of six or seven and resupplies replenish the entire stock, allowing for a more liberal approach. For instance, losing one knife to a kennel or two knives to a water devil becomes less consequential. In my opinion, neither option is superior; both possess significant offensive capabilities.


The Derringer is a firearm that occupies the tool slot. While not particularly impressive, it still qualifies as a gun. Its shots emit less noise than other firearms, comparable to the sound of exploding lanterns. Consequently, it can dispatch AI or detonate lanterns with less auditory fanfare than conventional guns. The primary application of the Derringer lies in PvP encounters, unlike the other offensive tools that primarily excel in PvE scenarios. Although its statistics may pale in comparison to the guns in your primary slots, it offers decent damage output and a respectable fire rate, provided your targets remain in close proximity. It can prove especially useful for loadouts that deplete loaded shots quickly, such as combinations involving the bomb lance and revolver, or for loadouts with low rates of fire, like those featuring double long ammo weapons.

Flare Gun / sulakkeet

The Flare Gun possesses the ability to dispatch any AI adversary with a single shot, regardless of where you strike them (with the exception of Immolators, Meatheads, and Water Devils). It also instantly detonates explosive barrels. However, it is a consumable tool and requires resupply, unlike throwing knives and axes, which can usually be retrieved from their landing spots. The flare gun is easier to handle and boasts superior range compared to fusees, but it carries fewer rounds. Personally, I don’t hold a strong preference for either option, but both are capable tools.

Temppuja ja ansoja

Choke Bomb

Choke bombs are often underutilized by players, who typically only use them to put out fires on their teammates. However, these bombs have additional strategic benefits as effective area denial tools. When thrown, the long-lasting field emitted by the bomb causes constant aimpunch, severely hindering precise aiming for anyone within its range. Furthermore, the bomb induces coughing, which not only reveals the position of those affected but also makes reviving teammates more challenging. The lingering effects of coughing can persist for a significant duration. Therefore, choke bombs can be employed to block entrances and exits, obstruct peeks from windows, impede revival attempts, and even counter the Butcher’s hook ability. It’s worth mentioning that the initial detonation of a choke bomb can extinguish fires in a larger area than the subsequent lingering field, allowing for the safe revival of teammates without the need for coughing.


Resembling actual bombs in appearance and sound, decoy fuses serve as a tactical diversion rather than explosive devices. When thrown, they do not explode, making it safe for players to approach the landing area. Notably, players receive three-quarters of their total decoy fuses in a single tool slot, which can be replenished at toolboxes. The primary use of decoy fuses lies in tricking opponents into reacting by either advancing to assist the thrower or fleeing from cover. If an enemy survives the initial decoy fuse, a subsequent real bomb can be thrown to potentially catch them off guard, as they may mistakenly assume it to be another decoy. For those inclined towards a whimsical loadout, it’s even possible to equip a combination of bombs and decoy fuses with the Frontiersman trait, although this approach may lack effectiveness.

Concertina, Poison ja Alert Mines

The utility of concertina, poison, and alert mines is relatively straightforward, as their functions align with their names. While I personally hold reservations about their effectiveness, they can still yield favorable results when employed strategically. It is worth considering placing these mines in unexpected locations, such as the middle of a road, as they are less likely to be detected compared to more predictable spots like doorways. Additionally, alert mines can trigger the instant detonation of nearby barrels when positioned in proximity. If concertina and poison mines are placed together, they have the potential to eliminate unsuspecting individuals who inadvertently step into them.

Blankfire Decoys

Blankfire decoys can be used to misdirect opponents’ attention or entice groups of players into converging. However, I have found them to be less consistently beneficial compared to other available options, although they can still prove useful. It’s worth noting that blankfire decoys are also capable of triggering the instant detonation of barrels.


Decoys can be utilized to divert the attention of AI-controlled opponents, although their practical usefulness in this regard remains uncertain.

Pohjimmiltaan pakollinen ja periaatteessa hyödytön


Jos et todella tiedä mitä olet tekemässä ja sinulla ei ole todella tarkkaa ja esoteerista suunnitelmaa, haluat lääkepakkauksen.


Se on todella hyvä antamaan kaikkien nähdä sinut helposti. Jos olet lähietäisyydellä ja loistat sitä jollekin, se saattaa vaikeuttaa hänen näkemistä, mutta se on todella epäluotettava eikä sitä kannata tuoda.


Ylittää huomattavasti muut työkalut. Se ei ole arvoton, mutta sitä ei kannata tuoda.

Suositellut lataukset

Pidän eniten menestystä työkalun lähitaistelulla, lääkepakkauksella, hyökkäävällä työkalulla ja kuristuspommeilla. Jos olen käsitellyt lähitaisteluvaurioita asepaikoissani, vaihdan työkalun lähitaistelun houkutussulakkeisiin.


  • Mitä tahansa: Raskas veitsi, Medkit, heittoveitset, kuristuspommit
  • Mitä tahansa: rystysveitsi, Medkit, heittokirveet, kuristuspommit
  • Lähitaistelu aseissa: houkutussulakkeet, Medkit, heittoveitset, kuristuspommit
  • CQC puuttuu: Knuckle/Heavy Knife, Medkit, Derringer, Choke Bombs

Jos käyttäisin ansoja, vaihtaisin luultavasti ensin hyökkäystyökalun ja sitten kuristinpommit, jos todella haluaisin tuoda ne. Työkalun lähitaistelu olisi hieno asia päästä eroon, jos mahdollista.

Siinä kaikki, mitä jaamme tänään tätä varten Hunt: Showdown opas. Tämän oppaan on alun perin luonut ja kirjoittanut Cheggf. Jos emme pysty päivittämään tätä opasta, löydät uusimman päivityksen seuraamalla tätä linkkiä.

Jos uskot, että jokin tämän sivuston sisällöstä loukkaa oikeuksiasi, mukaan lukien immateriaalioikeuksiasi, ota meihin välittömästi yhteyttä yhteydenottolomakkeellamme.
Hunt Showdown - Complete Tools Guide and Tips (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.